How To Install Piney Mountain Press Server

Windows Installation

Starting the Installation

Ensure that you are logged on to the target machine as an administrator.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of the PMP Server, exit the PMP Server, if it is running, before beginning the installation.
To start the installation, insert the installation CD into the CD drive. The installation may start automatically and display the Welcome Screen.

If the installation does not start automatically, run the setup executable located on the root of the installation CD. For example: If your CD drive is assigned to drive letter D the setup executable is located at D:\setup.exe.

Installation Steps

1. Welcome Screen

The welcome screen is the first step of the installation. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the installation.

2. License Agreement

You must agree to the terms of the license agreement before installing the software.
Select Yes, I accept this agreement. to confirm your agreement with the license terms then click Next to continue. If you select No, I do not accept this agreement. your only option will be to click Cancel to exit without installing the software.

3. Confirm Installation

The Confirm Installation screen shows that the installation is ready to perform the installation of each of the software's components.

Normal Installation:
For a normal installation, click Next to continue and proceed to step 5 or click Cancel to exit without installing the software.
Advanced Installation:
The Options... button displays advanced installation options. To change these options, click the Options... button and proceed to Step 4. After setting the options, click Next to continue and proceed to step 5 or click Cancel to exit without installing the software.

4. Installation Options

The Installation Options screen allows you to disable automatic installation of the Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine. This option may be disabled if you wish to use your own SQL Server Installation instance to store application data.
Note that it is not necessary to disable this option when installing a second PMP Server product into an existing PMP Server installation as this situation is handled automatically by the installation program.
Click the Close button to return to the Confirm Installation screen above.

5. MSDE Installation

The MSDE Installation screen displays a progress bar and messages during installation of the MSDE components. This portion of the installation may last several minutes. No action is required.
This screen may not appear if i) the setup program detects a previously installed database instance, or ii) MSDE installation was disabled in the Installation Options screen.

6. .NET Framework Installation

The .NET Framework Installation screen appears during installation of the .NET Framework components. If the required version of the .NET Framework components has already been installed this step will be skipped automatically. This portion of the installation may last several minutes (~5 min. to 20 min.). No action is required.

7. Embedded Web Server Auto-Start Options

PMP Server includes an embedded web server used to host the web application that forms the core of the product. This embedded web server is configured, by default, to start automatically.

Normal Installation:
For a normal installation, make sure the default option of Enabled is checked and click Next to continue.
Advanced Installation:
To change this default behavior, select the Disabled option. This is usually only useful when opting to use Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) to host the web application in lieu of the included web server.
Click Next to continue.

8. Installation Folder

The Installation Folder screen is used to select the location where the PMP Server files will be installed.
To change the default location, click the Browse button to select a new folder and/or create a folder. At the Install PMPServer for yourself, or for anyone who uses this computer: prompt it is usually best to select Everyone so that the PMP Server will be started regardless of which user credentials are used to log on to the operating system.
Click Next to begin installation of the PMP Server files.

9. PMPServer Completed

The PMP Server Completed screen is shown when installation of the PMP Server files is complete. Click Close to continue.

10. Installation Completed

The Installation Completed screen is shown at the end of the installation. Click Finish to close the installation.

Using IIS on Windows

The default PMP Server installation includes an application that functions as a web server. The Windows IIS service can be used instead of this application to run the PMP Server Web application.

1. Ensure that IIS is installed

Go to the system administration/control panel and openAdd/Remove Programs. Open the Add/Remove Windows Components dialog and check that the Internet Information Services (IIS) option is selected.
If it is not selected you can install IIS by placing a check in the check box and clicking Next. Installing IIS may require the installation media that Windows was installed from.

2. Follow the PMP Server Windows Installation Steps

Follow the Windows Installation steps above to install the PMP Server.
In Step. 7, select Advanced Options and disable the auto-start option of the embedded web server.

3. Create PMP Virtual Directory

Create a Virtual Directory that points to the location where the PMP Server files have been installed.
Open the Internet Information Services administration tool.
On the Default Web Site node right-click and select New >> Virtual Directory from the popup menu.
Follow the Virtual Directory Wizard and enter the following information:
Alias :
The name you would like to be entered on a workstation to access the server. (Ex: pmpserver)

Directory :
The path where the pmpserver web files have been installed. The default path is C:\Program Files\PMP Server\web.

Access Permissions :
Select Read and Run Scripts.
When the wizard has completed the directory will be created.

Once the virutal directory is created you should be able to access the PMP Server application as normal using a web browser while IIS is running.

Netware Installation

Before installing the PMP Server software, you must install a MySQL database server and the Tomcat servlet container on the target server. Execute the following steps to complete the installation:

Installation Steps
1. Extract the PMP Server files Extract the file to the Tomcat webapps directory. During extraction, the web application directory for the PMP Server will be created (Ex: SYS:\tomcat\4\webapps\pmpserver)
2. Extract the PMP product files The product zip file will have a name of the format "pmpserver-[product]-[version].zip". (EX: "") Extract the contents of this file into the newly created directory. (Ex: SYS:\tomcat\4\webapps\pmpserver)
3. Copy the PMP Server Apache mount configuration file Copy the pmpserver-apache.conf file to the Tomcat configuration directory. (EX: SYS:\tomcat\4\conf)
If your Netware server is not configured to use Apache as the primary web server this step may not apply.
4. Update the Apache configuration file Locate the httpd.conf file for your Apache installation (Ex: SYS:\apache2\conf\httpd.conf). Edit the httpd.conf file by adding an include statement to include the mount configuration file for the PMP Server. (EX: "include /tomcat/4/conf/pmpserver-apache.conf") Save the httpd.conf file.
If your Netware server is not configured to use Apache as the primary web server this step may not apply.
5. Restart Apache to enable the new configuration. If your Netware server is not configured to use Apache as the primary web server this step may not apply.
6. Open the PMP Server administration panel. The administration panel can be accessed at the URL:
The credentials of the server administrator can be used to access the administration panel. The administration panel is configured to use the default security configuration of Tomcat on Netware which creates a role/group called "Tomcat Managers" in eDirectory which grants "manager" level access to Tomcat applications.
If the credentials used are denied access, ensure that the user is a member of the "Tomcat Managers" role.  If your Tomcat security configuration has been heavily customized, you likely have to make the appropriate changes to the PMP Server web configuration file to match the customizations.
7. Configure Database Settings Select the Configuration Settings option. Fill in the Database Configuration fields as follows:
  • Hostname - The network name or IP address of the MySQL database server.
    This is a required field.
  • Port - The network port configured for communication with the MySQL server.
    Leave blank to use the default MySQL network port.
  • Username - The database username used for access to the PMPServer database. Accept the default entry unless you have special configuration requirements.
    During PMP Server database installation, this user will automatically be granted read/write access to the PMP Server database.
    This is a required field.
  • Password - Enter a password for the database user.
    It is recommended that you enter a value in this field as blank or empty database passwords can pose a security risk.
  • Maximum Connections - This feature is not yet implemented.

Click the Save button to apply the configuration settings.
8. Install Database In the PMP Server administration panel, select the Install Database option. Fill in the Database Installation fields as follows:
  • Admin Username - The database username of an existing database user with administrative privileges.
    This user must have the required privileges to create databases, users and tables.
  • Admin Password - Enter a password for the database user.
  • Delete Existing Database - Checking this option will delete the existing PMP Server database on the database server before installing the database schema. This option should not be checked during a first-time installation.
    Use this option with extreme caution as any data in the existing PMP Server database will be lost. This option is provided for convenience in the event that the database installation process has been interrupted or aborted on a previous attempt.

Click the Install button to perform the database installation.
9. Check Database Installation In the PMP Server administration panel, select the Check Database option.
Click the Check Database button to test database communications and configuration.

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Phone: (800) 255-3127