使用 Adobe Acrobat Reader 的技巧(原文:Tips for Using Adobe Acrobat Reader)


這篇文章探討了使用Adobe Acrobat Reader的實用技巧,幫助讀者更有效地處理PDF文件,提升工作效率。我自己在使用這款軟體時,也常被其多樣化的功能驚豔到。 Key Points:

  • 利用標註工具讓文件更易於理解,方便與他人共享想法。
  • 透過合併和分割功能,有效管理多個文件,提升工作效率。
  • 運用高級搜尋功能快速找到所需資料,再也不怕在冗長的PDF中迷失。
掌握這些技巧後,你將能夠更加自信地駕馭PDF文檔,充分發揮Adobe Acrobat Reader的潛力。


The following tips are written for Adobe Acrobat Reader version 2.1 for Windows. Acrobat Reader should run comparably for other graphical platforms but functionality may be different. Check your software and Help file for any differences from the Windows version of the software.

Acrobat Reader is a standard Windows application, with pull-down menus as a top row of the screen, a tool bar as a second row, and scroll bars at the left and bottom of the screen when the file is larger than a single screen. There are additional options along the bottom of the screen which will be discussed below.

These tips assume that you are familiar with the menus, options, and general usage of Windows applications, including both keyboard and mouse operation. The tips only address those actions that are unique to the Acrobat Reader. To get full information on all the Acrobat Reader options, review "Acrobat Reader Help" in the "Help" pull-down menu.

The primary features of Acrobat Reader are searching for text, navigating through a document, and resizing the document and/or windows to meet your needs. These are described below. Other features such as getting information on the document, printing all or selected pages, and opening multiple documents are in the help file and can be learned through experimentation on a document.

1. Searching for text.

You can search for text by selecting "Find" from the "Tools" pull-down menu or by clicking the "binoculars"button on the far right of the tool bar. A "Find"window is displayed. The default find values are to find all occurrences of the text as either whole or partial words, as capital or lower-case, and by moving forward through the document. The window contains boxes to alter these options. Once you have selected the options you want, enter the text to be searched for in the "Find What" box and click the "Find" button. The search will begin from your current position in the document. The first occurrence of the text from that position will be highlighted and the "Find" window will disappear. Press the F3 key to find succeeding occurrences of the text. When the last occurrence of the text has been found, you will be asked if you want to continue your search from the top of the document. You may loop back through the document or end the search.

Select "Find" again to alter the default values or change the text you're searching for. The more specific your entry, the better your chances of finding the text you want.

"Find" only works in the currently open PDF file. It will not search across files.

Under certain circumstances, "Find" will not work for a document. This is related to how the file was created and cannot be changed. Since the ability to search for text in a graphics file is a primary reason for using PDF for documents, most documents will be searchable.

2. Navigating through a document.

Acrobat Reader has a number of tools to let you move through a document.

A. The simplest form of navigation is to move around the current page. The "hand" cursor lets you do this. Press the left mouse button and the hand becomes a fist, grabbing the page. With the mouse button held down you can "drag"or "push" the page anywhere on the screen.

B. The vertical scroll bar on the right of the screen lets you move up or down by line (arrows), by half-page (click in the scroll area), or by user-selected distances (drag the scroll button).

C. The "View" pull-down menu lets you move to defined (first, last, etc.) or selected pages.

D. The arrow keys in the tool bar let you move to first, previous, next or last page. The double arrow keys in the tool bar let you move back or forward through any jumps you might have made through bookmarks or links (see below).

E. The "Page" button at the bottom of the screen displays a page icon and the text "x of xx"showing your current page and the total pages in the document. Click on it to select a "go to" page.

F. Bookmarks are a special feature of Acrobat Reader that letsthe publisher establish pointers to major sections and subsections of a document. Generally, if a document has bookmarks, they will appear in a window on the left side of the screen, separated by a vertical bar from the main document window. A scroll bar will display on the right of the bookmark window when there are more bookmarks than can be displayed on one screen. If the document covers the full screen, you can check for the presence of bookmarks by selecting "Bookmarks and Pages " from the "View"menu or by clicking the second button from the left on the tool bar. If the bookmark window is empty, click on the leftmost button on the tool bar or select"Page Only" from the "View" menu.

When you click on a bookmark, the document moves to the locationin the document defined by the bookmark. You can move directlyto any section of the document which has a bookmark.

A triangle to the left of a bookmark indicates that it has secondary bookmarks. If the triangle is pointing to the right, the secondary bookmarks are concealed. If the triangle is pointing down, the secondary bookmarks are displayed indented under the primary bookmark. Click on the triangle to change from one state to the other. You would display secondary bookmarks to get a greater accuracy in moving to desired text. You would conceal the secondary bookmarks to display more primary bookmarks in the bookmark window.

G. Publishers can establish internal links within a document to let you move from indexes, tables of contents, or internal references to the specified location in the document. In general, an internal link will appear as a box around the selected text. The publisher can choose the width and color of the box. If the document was prepared to be a PDF linked file, the links may appear as standard Internet colored, underlined text, as in the Acrobat Reader Help files. The publisher may also create a link without any visual cue to mark it. Invisible links might be used in an index when each item is a link and the boxes would clutter the page and make it hard to read. When you position the cursor on any of these links, it will change from its default form to the standard Internet "pointing finger" cursor. Click onthe link and you will move to the referred section of the document. To return to your original place in the document, click on the double left arrow in the tool bar.

If you are not sure whether a document has invisible links, move the cursor through potential linked text, such as an index or a "continued on page 4"- type instruction. If thecursor changes to the "pointing finger", the text has links. If the cursor remains in its default form you will have to use the other navigational tools to move through the document.

3. Resizing a document.

Generally, the publisher of a PDF document defines the size at which it will display. Sometimes this is incorrect or you will have a need to view the document in a different size. As with navigation, Acrobat Reader provides a number of different ways to resize a document.

A. The "View" pull-down menu has five pre-set sizes (Actual, Fit Page, etc.) as well as a "Zoom to ... "option which lets you select a variety of magnifications for the document.

B. The second block of buttons in the tool bar contains 4 buttons for setting the cursor. The default "hand" cursor is for navigation use only. (see above) The "+"and "-" magnifying glass buttons provide zoom in and zoom out capability, respectively. (The fourth button, "abc", lets you select text which can then be cut to the Windows clipboard for use in other documents.)

When you select the "+" button, the cursor will changeto a "+." Click with the cursor in the document and the displayed document will double in size. Each succeeding click will again double the document size, to a maximum of 800%. You can also hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor across the page to define a viewing area. When you release the button, the selected area will fill the screen. If you select an area larger than the viewing screen, the selected area will be resized to fit the screen.

When you select the "-" button, the cursor will changeto a "-." Click with the cursor in the document and the displayed document will be reduced to half its size. Each succeeding click will again halve the document's size to a minimumof 12%. Dragging to select an area for resizing is not recommended in "-" mode. For this function it's better to set the cursor to "+" mode.

C. The three buttons to the left of the "binoculars" button on the left of the tool bar let you select from predefined document settings. The rightmost button of the three will set the document to fill the screen. Magnification will vary by screen size. The middle button will shrink the document to display the full page. The leftmost button will set the document at 100% magnification.

D. The magnification button at the bottom of the screen always displays the current document size. When you click on it, you can choose from a variety of pre-set magnifications and configurations. You can also select "Other ... " which lets you enter any magnification you want, for 12 - 800%.

E. When bookmarks are active, you can provide greater screen area for your document by switching to "Page Only" mode either by clicking on the leftmost button on the tool bar or by selecting the option from the "View" pull-down menu. There are also two ways to resize the bookmark and page windows. Position the cursor on the line separating the windows or on the double-arrow box to the right of this line at the bottom of thescreen. The cursor will change to vertical parallel lines. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the line right or left to resize the windows as you want them.

You might increase the bookmark window when you first load a document in order to read the full bookmark text. Bookmark text that exceed the window size is "hidden" behind the document. You can then resize the windows for optimum document viewing.

If you have made some effort to resize a document to meet your needs, do not use bookmarks or links for navigation through the document. These tools come with pre-set document sizes and will override any size options you have set.


以下技巧適用於 Windows 平台的 Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1 版本。在其他圖形平台上,Acrobat Reader 的運行方式應該相似,但功能可能會有所不同。請檢查您的軟體和說明文件,以了解與 Windows 版本的差異。
Acrobat Reader 是一款標準的 Windows 應用程式,具有下拉式選單列(位於螢幕頂部)、工具列(位於第二行),當檔案超過一個螢幕顯示範圍時,螢幕左側和底部會出現捲軸。此外,螢幕底部還有其他選項,稍後將進行討論。
這些提示假設您已熟悉 Windows 應用程式的選單、選項和一般使用方式,包括鍵盤和滑鼠操作。以下僅針對 Acrobat Reader 特有的操作進行說明。要獲取有關 Acrobat Reader 所有選項的完整資訊,請查看「說明」下拉選單中的「Acrobat Reader 說明」。
Acrobat Reader 的主要功能包括搜尋文字、在文件中導航,以及調整文件和/或視窗的大小以滿足您的需求。以下將對這些功能進行說明。其他功能,如獲取文件資訊、列印全部或選定頁面,以及開啟多個文件等,請參閱說明文件,並可在實際操作中進行探索。
1. 搜尋文字
您可以透過「工具」下拉選單中選擇「尋找」,或點擊工具列最右側的「望遠鏡」按鈕來搜尋文字。此時會顯示「尋找」視窗。預設的搜尋設定為:尋找全部出現的文字(無論是完整或部分詞彙)、區分大小寫,並向文件後方搜尋。您可以在視窗中調整這些選項。選擇所需的選項後,在「尋找內容」框中輸入要搜尋的文字,然後點擊「尋找」按鈕。搜尋將從您在文件中的當前位置開始。找到的第一個匹配項將被高亮顯示,且「尋找」視窗會消失。按下 F3 鍵可尋找後續的匹配項。當找到最後一個匹配項時,系統會詢問您是否要從文件頂部重新開始搜尋。您可以選擇重新從頭開始搜尋或結束搜尋。
若要更改預設值或修改搜尋的文字,請再次選擇「尋找」。輸入的內容越具體,找到所需文字的機率就越高。「尋找」功能僅適用於當前開啟的 PDF 檔案,無法跨檔案搜尋。在某些情況下,「尋找」功能可能無法在特定文件中使用,這與檔案的建立方式有關,無法更改。由於在圖形檔案中搜尋文字是使用 PDF 的主要原因,因此大多數文件是可搜尋的。
2. 在文件中導航
Acrobat Reader 提供多種工具讓您在文件中移動。
A. 在當前頁面中移動: 使用「手形」游標,按下滑鼠左鍵,手形變為握拳狀,表示抓住了頁面。按住滑鼠鍵的同時,您可以拖曳頁面至螢幕上的任意位置。
B. 垂直捲軸: 位於螢幕右側的垂直捲軸可讓您向上或向下移動。點擊箭頭可逐行移動,點擊捲軸區域可移動半頁,拖曳捲軸滑塊可按自訂距離移動。
C. 「檢視」下拉選單: 此選單可讓您移動到特定頁面(如第一頁、最後一頁等)或選定的頁面。
D. 工具列中的箭頭按鈕: 這些按鈕可讓您移動到第一頁、上一頁、下一頁或最後一頁。雙箭頭按鈕可讓您在使用書籤或連結進行跳轉後,返回前一位置或前進到下一位置。
E. 頁面按鈕: 位於螢幕底部,顯示頁面圖示和「x of xx」的文字,表示您當前所在的頁面和文件的總頁數。點擊此處可選擇跳轉到特定頁面。
F. 書籤: 這是 Acrobat Reader 的特殊功能,允許出版者為文件的主要部分和子部分建立指引。通常,如果文件包含書籤,它們會顯示在螢幕左側的視窗中,與主文件視窗之間有一條垂直分隔線。當書籤超過一個螢幕顯示範圍時,書籤視窗右側會出現捲軸。如果文件佔滿整個螢幕,您可以透過「檢視」選單中選擇「書籤和頁面」或點擊工具列上第二個按鈕來檢查是否存在書籤。如果書籤視窗為空,點擊工具列最左側的按鈕或從「檢視」選單中選擇「僅頁面」。
Extended Perspectives Comparison:

Reference Articles

使用Acrobat X Standard

分成不同群組。在預設的情況下,只會出現最常使用的工具。要在「工具」窗格新增其它工具群組( 稱為面板),請開啟窗格. 並按一下右上角的選項功能表.


「Adobe Reader 說明」隨即開啟在包含兩個窗格的獨立視窗中:左邊的是導覽窗格,右邊的. 是主題窗格。您可以使用「說明」導覽窗格的標籤來尋找您要閱讀的主題。

Source: Adobe

使用Acrobat X Pro

分成不同群組。在預設的情況下,只會出現最常使用的工具。要在「工具」窗格新增其它工具群組( 稱為面板),請開啟窗格. 並按一下右上角的選項功能表.

[教學] 使用Acrobat Reader 來閱讀PDF 文件(72)

1, 安裝Adobe Reader. 開始使用Adobe Reader 前,請您先前往Adobe 網站免費下載最新版本: 下載Adobe Acrobat Reader for Pocket PC

Source: Mobile01


若您使用iX1600、iX1400 或iX1300,請閱讀以下的機型資訊。 ○ 若您使用iX1600. 請將機型名稱「iX1500」讀作「iX1600」。 ○ 若您使用iX1400.

Source: pfultd.com

Adobe Acrobat PDF文書處理必備工具(附VCD一片)

採Step by Step方式配以圖文的解說,除了操作的步驟外,並輔以相關的說明。以實際的例子由淺入深逐步引導,不但可輕鬆學習還可輕易的應用於工作的實務上。

Source: 博客來

[MAC / WIN] 小技巧– Adobe Acrobat Reader 一個簡單的設定

本文教你透過一個簡單的設定,將文件變為對眼睛較有善的黑底白字! 只要打開Adobe Acrobat Reader 的偏好設定,然後選擇「協助工具」→ 勾選「取代文件色彩」, ...

Source: goston.net

Adobe Reader 說明

視力不佳和行動不便的使用者可以使用「協助工具設定助理」來變更PDF 文件在螢. 幕上的顯示方式以及螢幕閱讀程式、放大鏡或其它輔助技術處理PDF 文件的方式。

Source: Adobe



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