這篇文章探討了Piney Mountain Press網路產品的安裝說明,不僅幫助使用者順利完成設置,也帶來了實用的小建議與解決方案。 Key Points:
- 清晰的安裝步驟:文章提供了詳細且易於理解的網路產品安裝流程,讓讀者能夠輕鬆跟隨。
- 常見問題解答:針對使用者在安裝過程中可能遇到的疑難雜症,文章也附上了相應的解決方案,省去不必要的摸索時間。
- 實用的小技巧:作者分享了一些小技巧,例如如何快速測試連接狀態,以確保設備正常運作,這對我而言非常有幫助。
In a typical network installation of a Piney Mountain Press product, client workstations will be configured to use a database and/or bitmap image files from a file server. The server can be configured with Windows NT 4.0 Server or better, Novell, or any server operating system capable of providing a network resource that can be mapped as a network drive from a client workstation. During the installation process, a client workstation being installed with the Piney Mountain Press product may need to update the mapped network drive with new or updated files. It is advisable that the following security allowances be made:
• Always install the software on the client workstation as a user with administrative or power user privileges. This will be necessary if a system directory needs to be updated or if the registry needs to be updated. If given the choice during the installation process, make sure to select that the software is installed for all users of the computer. Otherwise, programs and other system resources may not be available for users other than the one for which the program was installed. For example, Piney Mountain Press products employ ODBC data sources to communicate with databases. If the program is installed just for the currently logged in User ID, then the ODBC data source will only be available for that user. This could necessitate manually adding the data source for other users.
• Make sure that the User Ids used for installation have complete access to the directory on the network drive so that they can add, update, or delete files and/or subdirectories. If these privileges arenî–¹ available, an installation could fail. Also, the User Ids used for executing the programs will need to be able to, at least, update files on the network drive. This is necessary for a user to be able to save data to the database on the network drive.
Some of the Piney Mountain Press products are installed using Microsoftî–¸ Windows Installer technology. If the product is being installed on a machine running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, or Windows NT 4.0 (possibly, also, Windows ME), then this may cause the installation to install the Windows Installer engine and reboot prior to actually installing the product. This will happen automatically (the user installing the product doesnî–¹ have to do anything special to make this happen) and should only happen the first time any product is installed using Windows Installer technology. If some other product has been previously installed with Windows Installer, then the Installer engine will have already been installed and the initial reboot should not happen. If the product is being installed on Windows 2000 or Windows XP, then the Windows Installer engine is already there as part of the operating system and wonî–¹ be installed by the Piney Mountain Press product (the initial reboot should not happen). Installations using other installation technologies (i.e. InstallShield) wonî–¹ have this consideration.
At this point, the installation has finished. If you bring up Windows Explorer and browse to the database destination directory, you should see the following (small icons are selected so that all of the files will show up in the browser windows):
Figure 1: Windows Browser Window
If you browse to the program destination directory, you should see the following:
Figure 2: Windows Browser Window
Repeat the installation process on all workstations that will be using the network drive to share the database and any other files needed by the product. If the server being used to hold the database and associated files is to be used as a workstation (generally not recommended), then the software may be installed using one of the processes mentioned above. The only difference is that the network drive mapped by the client workstations exists as a local drive or directory on the server. The database destination for a server installation can be specified as a local drive and directory just as if the product were being installed to run only on the server. In this case, however, make sure that the destination directory for the database is the same physical location being mapped by the client workstations. This way, the copies of the product running on the server and on the client workstations all access the same physical database file.
在一般情況下,安裝 Piney Mountain Press 產品於網路環境中時,客戶端工作站會被配置為使用來自檔案伺服器上的資料庫和/或點陣圖檔案。該伺服器可以使用 Windows NT 4.0 Server 或更新版本、Novell,或任何能夠提供網路資源,並可讓客戶端工作站映射為網路磁碟機的作業系統來進行設定。在安裝過程中,正在安裝 Piney Mountain Press 產品的客戶端工作站可能需要將映射的網路磁碟機更新為新的檔案或更新過的檔案。因此,建議採取以下安全權限的調整措施:
• 請務必以具備管理員或進階使用者權限的帳號在客戶端工作站上安裝軟體。這在需要更新系統目錄或修改登錄檔時十分必要。如果在安裝過程中出現選擇項目,請務必選擇將軟體安裝給電腦上所有使用者,否則該程式以及其他系統資源可能只對當前安裝該程式的使用者可用。例如,Piney Mountain Press 的產品會利用 ODBC 資料來源與資料庫進行溝通;若程式僅安裝給目前登入的使用者,那麼 ODBC 資料來源也只會對該使用者可用,這可能需要您手動為其他使用者加入該資料來源。
• 請確認在安裝時所用的使用者帳號對網路磁碟機上的目錄擁有完整的存取權限,以便能夠新增、更新或刪除檔案及/或子目錄。如果這些權限未被提供,則安裝可能會失敗。此外,執行程式時所使用的使用者帳號至少也必須能夠更新網路磁碟機上的檔案,這是為了確保使用者可以將資料正確儲存至網路磁碟機上的資料庫中。
有些 Piney Mountain Press 產品是透過 Microsoft Windows Installer 技術進行安裝的。如果您在 Windows 95、Windows 98、Windows 98 SE 或 Windows NT 4.0(可能還包括 Windows ME)的系統上安裝產品,安裝過程可能會先自動安裝 Windows Installer 引擎,並在實際安裝產品前進行重新啟動。這一切皆由系統自動處理(使用者無需進行任何特別操作),且通常只會在首次使用 Windows Installer 技術安裝任何產品時發生。如果之前已有其他產品使用 Windows Installer 安裝過,那麼 Installer 引擎已經存在,初次的重新啟動就不會再發生。如果產品是在 Windows 2000 或 Windows XP 上安裝,則 Windows Installer 引擎已作為作業系統的一部分存在,不需要由 Piney Mountain Press 的產品來進行安裝(初次重新啟動亦不會發生)。使用其他安裝技術(如 InstallShield)進行的安裝則不會有這樣的考量。
在這個階段,安裝過程已經完成。當您開啟 Windows 檔案總管並瀏覽到資料庫目的地的目錄時,您應該可以看到如下所示的內容(建議選用小圖示模式,這樣所有檔案都會顯示在瀏覽視窗中):
圖1:Windows 檔案總管視窗
圖2:Windows 檔案總管視窗
結論項目 | 內容 |
安裝前準備 | 確保使用者擁有管理員或進階使用者權限,並選擇為所有使用者安裝軟體。 |
網路磁碟機存取權限 | 安裝過程中所用的User Id必須具備完整的存取權限,以便能夠新增、更新或刪除檔案。 |
ODBC資料來源注意事項 | 若程式僅安裝給當前使用者,則ODBC資料來源將只對該使用者可用,需手動為其他使用者添加。 |
Windows Installer考量 | 在舊版Windows上第一次安裝時可能會自動安裝Windows Installer引擎並重啟,但此情況不會在Windows 2000及以上版本發生。 |
伺服器與工作站配置 | 如伺服器同時作為工作站,需確保客戶端映射的網路磁碟機與伺服器上的本地磁碟位置相同,以確保數據一致性。 |
Reference Articles
若翻譯本著作,. 必須包括以下免責聲明以及引用出處:「本譯本非由聯合國糧食及農業組織(FAO). 所製作,FAO 對此譯本的內容或準確性不具責任,以原文版本為主版本。」 除了此處 ...
Source: 正瀚生技股份有限公司大考中心字彙表LEVEL 1
Internet [ˋɪntɚnɛt] n.【電腦】網際網路. (internet) interpret [ɪnˋtɝprɪt]解釋,說明,詮釋;. 口譯 interruption [͵ɪntəˋrʌpʃən] n.中止;阻礙;干. 擾.
Source: 桃園國中
... network,二埠網路導納矩陣admittance parameter,導納參數ADS logic,自動洩壓系統邏輯ADS value,自動洩壓系統值adsorbability,吸附性adsorber bank,吸附劑排列 ...
Source: 國家教育研究院International Affairs and Press Center-English Vocabulary
網路 中心, Network Center. 網路資源中心, Network Resources Center. 網路支援中心, Network Support Center. 網路管理中心, Network Management Center. 交通控制中心 ...
Source: 花蓮縣政府國際事務暨新聞中心淺談骨質疏鬆症患者之運動處方
... 說明如下:. (一)有氧運動:. 骨質疏鬆症患者的運動次數宜一天數次,每週3-6 次,選擇低中強度、間歇. 性的負重有氧運動,活動量每天最好累積至30 分鐘 ...
Source: W-PortfolioCritical Currents / Contemporary Ceramics
網路 是最終極的網絡建立工具,它讓現今的合作計畫能夠不受限於傳統地. 理 ... 在此特別說明,這個傳統的代表藝術家如金子潤、約翰.巴里斯特瑞里 ...
Source: AIC-IAC
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