這篇文章探討了學習與工作風格量表的重要性,以及它如何幫助我們更好地理解自己的優勢和挑戰。我發現,清楚知道自己的風格能帶來意想不到的啟發,特別是在忙碌的生活中尋找平衡時。 Key Points:
- 學習與工作風格量表幫助個人了解自己的學習及工作偏好,從而提升自我認識與職場適應能力。
- 透過評估不同的學習和工作風格,讀者可以找到適合自己的最佳學習策略,以增強學習效率。
- 這篇文章還分享了一些實用的技巧,比如如何根據個人的特質調整工作環境,讓你在職場中更加游刃有餘。
Based on the Hendrix-Frye Vocational Learning Styles and the C.I.T.E. Academic Learning Styles, our Inventories consider traditional style factors, as well as environmental and working styles critical to academic, training and job success:
Call about our C.I.T.E. version which considers nine style factors critical for success!
Scoring can be acheived four ways!
SELF SCORING- Scores are self scored by participant
COMPUTER SCORING - Results are keyed into computer and automatically scored, saved and printed. It takes less than 2 minutes per participant.
MACHINE/CARD SCORING -Results may be tabulated on your card scanner (Scantron 8000 series, NCS, Chatsworth) at $.50 per card. (IBM only)
PUBLISHER SCORED - We will score your inventory for you at $1.50 per person (100 minimum).
Computer printouts for individual and group profiles are provided, graphically indicating major and minor learning styles. Specific teaching and learning strategies are also outlined based on each individual's scores. All results are saved to disk and may be edited or printed at any time.
CONTENTS: 1 guide, 1 video, computer software (IBM/Macintosh - please specify), 100 response form (reprducible), 1 briefcase, and 1 site license
How the Learning & Working Styles works
Learning & Working Styles may be group administered via video and reproducible response booklets or computer administered on stand-alone computers or networked labs.
The Software
The software version contains two programs, one for the person taking the inventory, and one for the counselor or teacher. When an individual takes the survey directly on the computer, all results are analyzed, saved and printed. The counselor/teacher program allows access to all records and can only be opened with a password. This feature also enables the teacher/counselor to print individual and group profiles as well as edit any information. The software version is available for stand alone computers and for network labs.
Select "Student" to take the inventory on the computer, or select "Instructor" to manage participant data and print reports.
If you select "Student" the instruction screen above will appear explaining how to answer the questions.
The participant selects "4, 3, 2, or 1" according to the rating on the screen, and continues until all 75 statements are answered.
If you select "Instructor" you are asked to enter your password. This module allows the teacher/counselor to:
add, save and score participants who have taken the inventory using a medium other than a computer such as paper/pencil or video
to print one or more students at a time
to print group profiles
to delete a participant/participants
to update or change information on participants existing in the database.
This is the screen where data is entered/edited/saved for participants by the teacher/counselor.
From this screen the teacher/counselor may print profiles for an individual participant or for a group. Simply select the participants you wish to include for printing from the list on the left.
The Video
The participants are provided with response forms. These response forms present statements to which the participant responds by marking boxes which describes how they feel about what is said.
A video is used to explain what the participant should do and then present visual and auditory descriptors of the statements on the response forms. The participants do not need to read each statement, simply follow the video and mark the box which is most like them.
All responses may be hand scored, computer scored, or optical-scan scored. If responses are computer scored or optical-scan scored, the results are saved to disk and may be edited and printed at your convenience.
The Reports
Computer printouts for both individual and group profiles are provided, graphically indicating major and minor learning styles. Specific teaching and learning strategies are also outlined, based on each individual's scores.
(Scroll down to view sample printouts.)
• 我們獨特的影片呈現方式,提供了一種現代且無歧視的媒介來評估學習風格。無論是高風險族群、特殊需求者、大學預備生或技術預備生,都能從這種友好且多感官的形式中受益。此量表也可直接在電腦(IBM/MAC)上進行,並適用於網路環境。
• 動覺型
• 視覺型
• 觸覺型
• 聽覺型
• 社交型
• 設計型
• 光線偏好
• 書寫型
• 聲音偏好
• 口語型
• 溫度偏好
• 戶外/室內偏好
• 靜態/非靜態
• 資料/人員/事物
• 自我評分: 參與者自行評分。
• 電腦評分: 將結果輸入電腦,系統自動評分、保存並列印。每位參與者僅需不到2分鐘。
• 機器/卡片評分: 可使用卡片掃描器(如Scantron 8000系列、NCS、Chatsworth)進行統計,每張卡片費用為0.50美元(僅適用於IBM)。
• 出版商評分: 我們可代為評分,每人費用為1.50美元(最低100人)。
內容包含: 1本指南、1支影片、電腦軟體(IBM或Macintosh,請指定)、100份可複製的回應表、1個公事包,以及1個站點授權。
價格: 495.00美元
項目 | 內容 |
產品名稱 | 學習與工作風格量表 |
適用對象 | 高風險族群、特殊需求者、大學預備生、技術預備生 |
評估方式 | 影片呈現、自我評分、電腦評分、機器/卡片評分、出版商評分 |
主要學習風格 | 動覺型、視覺型、觸覺型、聽覺型、社交型等九種風格因素 |
價格 | $495.00 |
Reference Articles
2018 ICEET論文扉頁
格理論加以編製而成,將學習者分為覺、聽覺及動覺三種學習風格,並參考Jonelle. A. Beatrice在Learning to Study through Critical Thinking中提出的學習風格量表,. 17 ...
Source: 中華資訊與科技教育學會大考中心字彙表LEVEL 1
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(4)學習型組織量表之因素及信度分析. 該構面之KMO 值為0.911,表示適合進行因素分析,如表4.8。此構. 面中,原設計問卷題項共有19 題,經因素分析後,刪除5 題不符合標準.
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研究工具包含英語口說能力測驗、學習動機量表、學習觀感量表、及遊戲不確定性機制問卷。 本研究主要發現包含:(1)學習者在使用有無不確定性的英語口說 ...
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學歷: 中山大學資訊管理系. 樹德科技大學資訊管理所. 國防大學(國防管理學院)81 年班資訊科. 國防大學(國防管理學院)管理資訊正規班第四期.
Source: 國立屏東大學GCCCE 2022 教師論壇論文集
全球華人計算機教育應用大會(Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education,. 簡稱GCCCE) 是由全球華人計算機教育應用學會主辦的國際性學術會議。第26 屆全.
Source: GCCCE2022
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